How to zoom in on the Effect Controls panel to adjust keyframes

A few years ago, editor Carl Schuubiers had a question about keyframe placement during a dissolve. Carl was dissolving between two photos being moved “Ken Burns style” with Position and Scale keyframes. He had no trouble when doing the original moves by placing the keyframes at the very edges of the clip. However, when he …

Computer shuts down while using GPU intensive applications

While working in certain applications which use the GPU for processing data, do you have trouble with your computer shutting down? No errors, no freezes, just shutting down? We have been seeing a few cases in support where customers are complaining about this. In doing some troubleshooting, we have found that it’s sometimes due to …

Low-Level Exception Occurred in Adobe Player (Player: 5) and Legacy Title

Getting a low-level exception occurred in Adobe Player (Player: 5) warning? Media Pending? Searched and found a thread about a similar error on (Player: 60). Confusing! What’s going on here? Answer: Bug on Legacy Titler. You need to roll back to 14.0.4, use Software Only mode in Project Settings > General (not recommended-slow!), (unofficially, I …

Can’t drag a clip to the Timeline in Premiere Pro

You can’t drag a clip to the Timeline in Premiere Pro. Frustrating. Maybe you dragged the first clip into the timeline successfully, but attempting to drag the second clip in fails. Maddening! Sometimes you can drag in video, but cannot drag in audio. Other times you can drag in audio but the video doesn’t follow. …

Premiere Pro: Time to update that OS

I’m going to advise you that (unofficially) it’s time to begin moving off macOS 10.11 and Windows 7. A good number of support issues can be solved by simply updating your OS. I know there is reluctance to move off these versions of the OS (especially you WIN 7 hardcores), so I do understand. These …

Video Editing in a 32-bit QuickTime Free World

Hello video editor. You’ve been working with QuickTime files for years, more than likely. You have either like it (Mac aficionado) or you hate it (PC stalwart), but either way, not much has changed and you’ve had a working relationship with it for some time now. Times have changed. As of January 2018, Mac-based applications …

Updating and backing up project files: best practices

Prior to coming to Adobe, I was a freelance editor. I also did my fair share of training. One piece of advice I’d always give to students was to make sure that you always “protect” your project files. By protect, I am talking about the subject of updating and backing up current project files. Updating project …

Reset After Effects Preferences

  When behavior in After Effects does not seem as expected, you can reset After Effects preferences as a simple troubleshooting step. From After Effects Help:To restore default preference settings: Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) or Command+Option+Shift (Mac OS) while the application is starting. A dialog box launches asking you if you want to delete your preferences file. …

Premiere Pro Smart Rendering For Faster Exports

Smart Rendering Workflow for Exports I am so glad I employ the smart rendering workflow as often as possible when working in Premiere Pro, especially for the exporting process. I think that many editors get themselves into a jam too often at deadline when changes are afoot and mistakes are uncovered when exporting. Found a …